Biafra Coin (USBT) Frequently Asked Questions
Biafracoin, United States Biafra Token (USBT), is a crypto token created by the BRGIE for public use in Biafra.
Biafracoin will use the Binance network and BEP20 protocol.
Yes. If you and your vendor have agreed to use Biafracoin to pay the bill then you can definitely use it. Our goal is for Biafracoin (USBT) to be adopted widely by citizens as well as businesses.
1 USBT will cost 1 USDT.
There are 4 Steps to buying USBT
1) Buy BNB and USDT on either your crypto exchange or directly on Metamask.
2) Send the BNB and USDT to your Metamask Wallet if you bought it on a crypto exchange.
3) If you are using a computer: Go to the USBT page of the Bank of Biafra website.
If you are using a smartphone: Use your Metamask app to go to USBT page of the Bank of Biafra website.
4)Use your Metamask Wallet to buy USBT
See the videos below all of the questions on ths page
There will be no mining of USBT. There will be staking available. Staking is a feature where some of a person's balance will be locked in order to generate additional Biafra Coin for the person. The annual rate of return for staking will be variable but will start around 18% per year.
Example) If your balance is 100 USBT, and you stake it for one year, at the end of that year your balance will be 118 USBT.
When Biafracoin has been staked, it can be unstaked at any time. One year of staking is not required. The minimum staking time period to enjoy returns is 7 days. Unstaking before the elapse of 7 days will return the original amount with no reward.
Follow the Biafracoin X handle to learn more about Biafracoin. Recorded educational videos are also available. You can also call the Biafracoin Help line:
+1 919 627 2134