The Biafra Republic Government in Exile (BRGIE) is the political and civil government in exile arm of Biafra DeFacto Government as stipulated in the Biafra Charter, also called Helsinki Declaration. BRGIE collaboratively works with the other arm of the DeFacto Government – Biafra Republic Government in the Homeland, in the service of Biafra people. The BRGIE and its officials, including the head of the government, in the office of the Prime Minister or Acting Prime Minister, is purely civilian and political in nature
The principal office of BRGIE is currently at 7200 Belair Road, Suite #2, Baltimore Maryland (MD) 21206, United States of America. If the board of Directors and BRGIE cabinet later decides, the principal office will be changed. Other offices called Liaison offices have been established and more will be established at such places that the board of Directors and BRGIE cabinet deem necessary for the conduct of Biafra business. A copy of these bylaws will be kept at the principal’s office and all the liaison offices.
The name and address of the Registered Agent is provided in the Articles of Incorporation that were filed with the MD Secretary of State. The Registered Agent may only be changed by filling out the appropriate paperwork with the Secretary of State. Each change of Registered Agent must be approved by the Board of Directors.
BRGIE will operate under the requirements set forth in the BRGIE Charter (Helsinki declaration), its Articles of Incorporation, and Bylaws. The Bylaws may be amended by the Board of Directors and BRGIE cabinet. In the event of a stalemate, the desired changes may be voted in a general BRGIE meeting that will include all BRGIE officials (cabinet members, continental and country representatives and administrators, personnel in the office of the Prime Minister (PM) and Acting Prime Minister (APM)) with accent of a single majority. Prior to such voting, BRGIE officials will have at least 24 hours to study and analyze the required amendment.
The nation of the United States of Biafra comprising of 40 confederating states with an estimated 80 million people, occupying the core geographic south of Nigeria at approximately latitude 4⁰ N of the equator and longitude 6⁰ E, was born out of exigencies of existential threats. One of the most sacred duties of a nation to its citizens is protection from external aggression. Nigeria, as a nation failed woefully in protecting its citizens from external aggression and rather facilitated it in the most unmistakable fashions. Thus, made the emergence of a nation that protects its indigenous population inevitable. That nation is the United States of Biafra, where peace, unity, equity, and progress shall prevail and a nation that joins the United States of America in proclaiming that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness. A nation that will provide for all of its citizens resources and facilities they need to attain their God given potential.
The Biafra Republic Government in Exile is established to undertake the political and administrative governance of the Biafran nation from outside the United States of Biafra territory. It undertakes diplomatic and foreign relationships, arrangements and agreements, negotiations and pacts with other nations and organizations of the world on behalf of the Biafran People. The personnel of the United States of Biafra are to be accorded all diplomatic privileges in their official capacity pursuant to the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 1961 and the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 1963.
Let us state unequivocally that the United States of Biafra is and will remain economically viable given abundant human and material resources that have remained largely untapped under the neo-colonialist rule of the Fulani hegemony. There is a popular saying in our place: where there is life, there is wealth. We make this remark in difference to the present Nigeria state that is pursuing policies to annihilate the indigenous people. Nigeria has become a massive crime scene, a death trap, with thousands of people killed daily from avoidable circumstances ranging from road accidents due to poor state of roads, through Fulani kidnapping and killings of their victims, to Fulani invasion and indiscriminate killings of people in the invaded communities. It is apt to say, “where there is death, there is no wealth.” Economic wealth is accretive, and the dynamics are substantially disturbed by the incessant loss of life that characterize the Nigeria state, hence its perpetuity in poverty. Thus, the nation of the United States of Biafra seeks to establish a nation that creates wealth, recognizes the sanctity of life and protects every life with all of its might. A nation where equity and justice shall prevail. Such a nation facilitates and provides resources for all of its citizens to develop their God-given talents and attain the highest height possible without hindrance. None of these was possible in Nigeria, as a result, Biafrans chose to become an independent state with state powers to protect its territory, provide security to lives and properties, and create the enabling environment for Biafra peoples’ human and material resources to develop to their God-given potential. Any nation that makes an honest effort to meet the needs of its population will generate substantial economic activity. There will be nothing like economic activity if people just keep what they have without exchanging what they have for what they don’t have. It is this simple exchange of goods and services that creates economic activity, which is the basis for economic viability.
All Biafrans in good standing with regard to the laws of their country of residence and the laws of Biafra are eligible to serve the government. The members are referred to as BRGIE officials that will consist of elected cabinet members, appointed continental and country representatives and administrators, appointed personnel in the offices of the Prime Minister (PM) or Acting Prime Minister (APM)). BRGIE officials shall exhibit the highest standards of ethics, integrity, transparency, and accountability in the discharge of their duties. Officials shall serve the public interest, prioritizing national welfare over personal gain or ambition and must be held accountable for their actions and decisions.
As a government in exile, the BRGIE will cover some of the running expenses of the government. To this end, all officials MUST pay a monthly due fee of $100. The payment of the above due will give all members the status of “voting member”. If an official ceases to serve as a voting member, whether due to such official’s death, incapacity, disqualification, resignation, removal or expiration of term as a voting official, such official automatically ceases being a BRGIE official. The BRGIE media is exempt from this monthly due fee and the officials of BRGIE media are voting members of BRGIE.
BRGIE may establish committees with powers and responsibilities as determined by the leadership of BRGIE and as permitted by law. Each such committee and subcommittee where permitted, will consist of three or more officials, and may include other Biafrans deemed fit to serve.
BRGIE officials at all levels shall be directly accountable to their supervisors per the reporting relationship depicted on the BRGIE structure (see Officials shall be required to provide regular reports on their actions and performance and shall be subject to BRGIE predetermined mechanisms for oversight, audits, and evaluations. Public accountability shall be reinforced through Ministerial/Departmental oversight. Only declassified information shall be made public if need be. Issues related to Biafra DEFENSE and FINANCE are CLASSIFIED (see section 7.5).
Any BRGIE official found guilty of corruption, misconduct, or betrayal of public trust shall face immediate suspension from office, followed by a thorough investigation and legal prosecution. Leaders who are found guilty of such offenses shall be barred from holding public office and shall be subject to criminal penalties. Examples of misconduct include, but are not limited to
a) Use of Biafra armed forces for propaganda or slandering the armed forcesb) Defection (abandonment of duty at any time to serve another government or pseudo-government actively or passively)
c) Membership in any Nigeria associated organization or political party within the past five years from the date of this document
d) Insubordination (willful and intentional refusal of BRGIE official to obey a lawful order of a superior officer).
e) Failure to follow instructions/orders, exceeding authorized access or scope of work (accessing computer systems or databases beyond the official’s clearance or without necessary authorization, overstepping beyond the authorized scope of work and not withdrawing when asked to do so, consistently ignoring or defying direct orders from supervisors).
f) Misrepresentation (any act of deceit, presenting false qualifications, false representation either in paperwork, during broadcast, or in person during inquiries).
g) Disrespect towards others (behaviors that hamper morale, including rudeness, bullying, creating a hostile work environment for other officials, assassination of character, false accusation, etc.). See Appendix 1.
h) Mishandling of BRGIE funds (misuse of funds even for benign purposes, diverting government funds).
Protecting confidential information is a vital etiquette. Broadly speaking, confidential information is information that is privileged, classified by BRGIE, or the kind of specific information (name, address, phone numbers, ID card information, bank accounts etc.) that must not be disclosed, unless authorized by the individual or BRGIE to do so. Disclosure of confidential information will result in betrayal of trust, expulsion from BRGIE, because such official cannot be trusted, and where appropriate, BRGIE will pursue legal remedies to restitute from any harm such betrayal of trust may have caused (See section 4.5).
Transparency is key to our operations because it fosters trust, necessary to build a stronger BRGIE and nation. Thus, each one of us is expected to promote and exhibit transparent behavior/conduct. This said, confidential and classified information MUST not be released when not authorized.
Each BRGIE official may be assigned specific tasks and responsibilities. The assignment may be as agreed upon during BRGIE cabinet or general meetings. BRGIE officials are expected to be flexible in their service to the motherland – Biafra.
BRGIE officials (see section 1.3) shall subordinate personal interests to those of BRGIE/Biafra. If there is conflict between personal interest and BRGIE/Biafra interest, the official must act in such a manner (such as recusing oneself from the position causing the conflict of interest) to avoid even the appearance that their position may be used to advance the private interests of themselves, their families, friends or others. A conflict of interest shall be considered to exist in any instance where the actions or activities of any official, on behalf of BRGIE, shall result in personal gain or advantage to the official or have an adverse effect on the interests of BRGIE/Biafra. Conflicts of interest also can arise in other instances not discussed here. In discharging responsibilities to BRGIE/Biafra, officials are expected to observe the highest ethical standards and give undivided loyalty to BRGIE/Biafra and her goals. Any activities that do not serve the best interests of BRGIE/Biafra or which favor the personal benefits of individuals above those of BRGIE/Biafra are inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities to BRGIE/Biafra. To assist in avoiding any conflict or appearance of conflict of interest, the following procedures shall be adopted: a) Whenever any official has any direct or indirect interest in or relationship with any individual or organization that may be a conflict of interest, the official shall fully disclose, in writing, all relevant facts and circumstances. b) Promptly provide the disclosure to BRGIE. c) Abstain from voting on issues with the conflict. d) Remove themselves from the meeting during discussion. e) The minutes of appropriate meetings shall reflect that a disclosure was made and that the member abstained from discussion and/or voting.
BRGIE broadcasters serve as the Government’s spokespeople and image makers of our nation and must be a source of accurate and verifiable information. Hence information coming out of the BRGIE media platform must be properly vetted. BRGIE broadcasters must not engage in peddling false information that has the potential to impugn the integrity of BRGIE/Biafra.
Our policy prohibits not only conduct and language that constitutes harassment but all inappropriate behaviors of this type. BRGIE members are prohibited from engaging in such harassment. No official has the authority to request or demand compliance with unwelcome or offensive conduct and no official has the authority to retaliate against any individual for failure or refusal to comply with such offensive demands or requests.
Unscreened information shall not be made public. Announcements pertaining to the activities of BRGIE must be screened by the information/communication and approved by the Minister of Information/communication or the designee prior to making it public. Every effort must be made to avoid libel action against BRGIE.
The criteria set forth in this guide have been established and must be followed to maintain the peaceful and cohesive functioning of BRGIE. Each official is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. The consequence given to each official for violating BRGIE operating guidelines will be dependent on the gravity of the violation.
Consequences for violating BRGIE policies may include:
a) Verbal or written warning.
b) Fines – will be $200.
c) Loss of network privileges – Members will be deplatformed.
d) Short-term suspension (2 weeks).
e) Long-term suspension (2 months).
f) Repeat offenses greater than or equal to three will result in expulsion (permanent expulsion from BRGIE).
g) Intolerably disruptive, abusive, negligent, or criminal behavior will result in the expulsion of the official from BRGIE (see section 4.5).
h) Any official found to be peddling verifiably false claims or accusations against another official which is detrimental to the wellbeing of the targeted official or BRGIE, shall be deemed unworthy of BRGIE and as suchconstitute grounds for immediate expulsion from BRGIE (see section 4.5).
i) Forfeiture of indemnification.
BRGIE oath is a requirement for taking office. An official who for one reason or the other is unable to take an oath will not serve. The oath of office must be administered by the Chairperson of the CRC (see section 4.6). Prior to assuming office, all elected and appointed officials shall take an oath of office, pledging their allegiance to the United States of Biafra, its governing laws, and the people of Biafra. The oath shall bind officials to serve with honor, integrity, and respect for the rule of law.
Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear or affirm that, you will not sabotage (deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct) the activities of BRGIE/Biafra, release of confidential information about BRGIE or BRGIE officials? Do you solemnly pledge to serve the people of Biafra, truthfully, diligently, and to the best of your ability?
The income of BRGIE shall not be distributed to or used for the benefit of BRGIE officials, directors, officers or other persons except that BRGIE is authorized to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered.
Treason and Subversion are offenses not forgivable by BRGIE. Any attempt to compromise, undermine, or disrupt the sovereignty, governance structure, or rule of law of the United States of Biafra (Biafra Charter, Helsinki declaration) shall be deemed an act of treason. Treasonous acts shall be punishable by the highest penalties under the law, including expulsion, forfeiture of assets, and lawsuits in Biafra court when Biafra is fully independent. Releasing government documents, information, or private communication, (such as videos, voice messages, text messages, minutes of private meetings, and others) without authorization is considered a violation and will be treated as Espionage (see section 12) in the United States of Biafra. This applies to all information, particularly if the information is classified and related to national security.
Unauthorized disclosure of BRGIE materials is a punishable crime. Anyone who willfully discloses or knowingly causes the transmission of BRGIE materials to unauthorized person(s) and the public, for personal aggrandizement or to cause harm to BRGIE will be fully prosecuted.
Biafrans who are resident in countries with enforceable laws and party to international laws and regulations will be fully prosecuted.
Biafrans who have prior offenses are ineligible to hold office in BRGIE and will be prohibited from taking office in the United States of Biafra.
Individuals who have been a member of any Nigerian political party or organization within the past five years cannot have any position in the BRGIE government because such individual poses security threats to the government.
Amendments to section 2.12 shall require approval by a twothirds majority vote by BRGIE officials. All proposed amendments shall be subject to consultation and debate in the cabinet, ensuring that they reflect the will and interests of the people.
All citizens shall be equal before the law and are entitled to equal protection and benefit from the law without any form of discrimination. Unlawful discrimination, based on age, sex, religion, physical handicap or disability, will not be permitted/tolerated by BRGIE. All BRGIE officials have the right to freely express their opinions, ideas, beliefs, and thoughts without fear of censorship, retaliation, or persecution. This right extends to all forms of expression, including oral, written, and digital communication. This right shall also include the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information through any media, subject only to restrictions prescribed by law, aimed at protecting national security, public order, and the rights of others. BRGIE officials must be held responsible for actions contrary to BRGIE mission, vision, and purpose.
Openings or vacancies within BRGIE will be advertised for at least 24 hours so that BRGIE will attract target individuals with the specific skill sets and qualifications needed. Service to Biafra through BRGIE is open to all Biafrans residing anywhere in the world who meet a set of rules and/or eligibility criteria as stipulated in the advertisement. BRGIE must set up a team responsible for recruiting new officials and also adopt a set of policies on electing, nominating, or recruiting officials. Below are some of the rules:
a) The BRGIE Recruitment Team (BRT) must conduct rigorous application review and interview following the rule that ‘nobody knows everything’. Since a great interview, appearance, charisma, or personality may not be an indication of a person’s future performance, BRGIE has to critically analyze and assess each individual through background checks prior to moving to the next stage of the recruitment process.
b) The BRT must conduct background checks on the potential candidate. A simple background check will ensure that no significant red flags exist before the individual joins BRGIE. The services of a company experienced in conducting background checks will be used and BRGIE will pay for the services rendered.
c) All responsible officers must adopt the ‘hire fast, fire faster.’ Rule. This is necessary because anecdotal evidence from Biafra agitation, and especial hindsight on prior events in BRGIE shows that while appointing or electing a bad official may be understandable; but accepting their detrimental flaws and not doing anything about it will cost BRGIE/Biafra greatly.
d) The BRT and heads of department must explain BRGIE’s core values and expectations to new officials. This is because understanding of BRGIE values and expectations is crucial for successful governance.
The only people to be appointed to manage sensitive BRGIE/Biafra information must be Biafrans who are resident in countries with enforceable laws and party to international laws and regulations.
To ensure a successful transition in BRGIE leadership, it is crucial to identify key criteria and procedures for succession plan. Therefore, if the BRGIE PM cannot carry out the duties of the office due to incapacitation, incarceration/detention, death, resignation, inability to hold office, removal from office/impeachment, the responsibilities of the office will be passed to another government leader in a specific order as determined by the line of succession.
In case of vacancy, incapacitation, incarceration/detention, death, resignation, removal from office/impeachment of the Prime Minister of BRGIE, the CRC Chairman shall become the leader of BRGIE and must immediately summon a cabinet emergency meeting to elect one of the cabinet ministers listed below to act as an Acting Prime Minister.
Line of succession:
Prime Minister
Chair of the CRC (To conduct an emergency meeting within 24 hours to elect one of the following cabinet members to the position of Acting Prime Minister):
Minister of Defense
Minister of Finance
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Internal Affairs
Minister of Justice
Secretary General
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Minister of Information and Communication
Chair of the CRC
Chair of the Advisory Council
The Acting Prime Minister shall function in the capacity of the Prime Minister for as long as necessary until the status of the Prime Minister can be determined with respect to returning to the office. The CRC shall initiate the procedure to hold an election to elect a new Prime Minister within three (3) months from the time it becomes obvious that the previous Prime Minister will not be returning to the job. To elect a new Prime Minister, the CRC shall conduct an election where BRGIE cabinet members, representatives, and administrators may vote to elect a new Prime Minister. The winner of the election with a simple majority vote shall become the Prime Minister. In the event a new person becomes the Prime Minister elect, a formal handover from the Acting Prime Minister to the Prime Minister elect shall be expected to take place as soon as possible but not later than 7 days from the date of the election.
Meetings shall be held at the BRGIE principal place of business or at an alternate location chosen by the Board or BRGIE officials, including zoom platforms, phone calls, etc. The specific date, time, and location of each meeting will be designated by the PM, APM, Minsters, Departmental heads, Chairpersons, or the responsible officials and disseminated via their chosen channels.
Regular Meetings shall be held at a date and time that is acceptable to the group involved and at a frequency that promotes productivity and the defense of Biafra. Notice of the meeting must be sent at least 24 hours before the meeting.
Emergency meetings may be called at any time by any responsible official. Notice of the emergency meeting must be sent at least 30 minutes before the meeting. The notice may include the agenda for the meeting and must include the place (physical or virtual link) and time of the meeting.
Most meetings will be held via conference calls, Zoom, or any other means where all participants can hear each other. Decisions made at such meetings will have the same authority and power as a decision made at meetings where the participants were physically present.
Any action that may be taken at a regular or special meeting of BRGIE officials may be taken via text messaging without a meeting if at least one third of the responsible officials needed for such action are present and consent to the action. All such actions will have the same authority and power as actions passed at meetings where the participants were physically present.
BRGIE officials present at any properly announced meeting (the meeting must be announced 24 hours ahead of time) shall constitute a quorum. If it is an emergency meeting, the 24-hour notice can be waived and the officials present at that meeting form a quorum, provided the meeting was announced on the virtual forum. A quorum is required for actions taken to be considered BRGIE approved. All issues to be voted on shall be decided by a simple majority of officials present at the meeting in which the vote takes place. Emergency procedures may be instituted in cases of insurrections, war and conflict, natural disasters or acts of God.
BRGIE shall amend bylaws whenever such a need arises. Amendments shall require approval by simple majority vote by BRGIE officials. All proposed amendments shall be subject to debate in the house and consultation, ensuring that they reflect the will and interests of the people.
BRGIE shall add directors whenever such a need arises, such as a vacancy. Adding directors requires a resolution passed by simple majority at a special directors meeting, irrespective of the contents of BRGIE governing documents.
The official business and affairs of BRGIE shall be managed by the Board of Directors in collaboration with BRGIE cabinet subject to any limitations in the Articles of Incorporation.
The initial members of the BRGIE Board of Directors were the founders. These Directors will serve a period of 4 years in line with the Biafra Charter if in good standing, unless removed by the Board of Director for any cause considered detrimental to the interest of BRGIE. Future members of the Board of Directors will be elected by the voting members at a meeting scheduled by responsible officials. The subsequent Board of Directors will serve for a 3-year term if in good standing and until Biafra is fully liberated.
The number of authorized directors will not be less than 3 per MD State law. This number may be increased as needed by a vote of the Board of Directors. No decrease in the number of Directors may shorten the term of an incumbent Director. BRGIE will have Officers (Ministers, Department Heads, Continental/Country Representatives, Standing Committee Chairpersons) that will help in decision making. The number of Officers will depend on the needs of the ministries and their departments. The names of the BRGIE officials and their offices are listed in Article 9.
At any time, a Director/Official may resign by giving a letter of resignation to the Board of directors. The resignation will become effective immediately or at the date specified.
A vote of a quorum of Directors/Officials will be required to remove a Director/Official or any officer or member for any cause considered detrimental to the interest of BRGIE/Biafra. All or any of the members may be expelled at any time by a vote of the Directors provided there is a quorum of not less than a majority present at the meeting of Directors at which such action is taken. Examples of actions that may warrant expulsion includes but not limited to:
a) When a Director/Official or any officer has become intolerably disruptive, abusive, negligent, or criminal.
b) When a Director/Official or any officer discloses confidential information.
c) When a Director/Official or any officer is found to be peddling verifiably false claims or accusations against any member or BRGIE/Biafra.
The BRGIE Conflict Resolution Commission (CRC) was inaugurated on August 26, 2023, by the BRGIE PM following a mandate by the BRGIE cabinet. In the absence of a formal judiciary system, the CRC was charged to act as the De Facto judiciary arm of BRGIE, and in that capacity, to resolve conflicts and provide advice to BRGIE/Biafra, including the PM. The CRC will consist of not less than 3 members chosen from different BRGIE ministries/departments and led by a chairperson. In this capacity, the CRC shall investigate all cases and will penalize offending officials accordingly. The findings of the CRC shall form the basis of a disciplinary action on officials found to be at fault. The punishment will be consistent with the offense. The CRC is expected to utilize due diligence and adjudicate a matter considering all the evidence without interference from parties to the case at issue. The panel must conduct their assignment within the scope of the complaint and the scheduled time and must NOT allow parties to the case at issue to manipulate the activities or the outcome. If the panel is not able to meet with the given timeframe, the panel shall communicate with the parties the reason for the delay. If required, the panel will present their findings to BRGIE officials and highlight the evidence used to reach their findings. On the basis of the strength of the evidence and the findings, appropriate remedies (fines, suspension, or expulsion) shall be invoked consistent with and as spelt out in the article of association and Bylaws.
Any member who acts in a way that is detrimental to BRGIE/Biafra shall not hold office. If such member already holds an office prior to the act, a vote of no confidence shall be passed to remove the member from the office. Such a vote will require a simple majority of the officials present in the voting session. Depending on the offence, the official shall be fined, suspended, expelled, and where appropriate, BRGIE will pursue legal remedies to make whole from any harm such betrayal of trust may have caused. Expelled officials who hold office are removed from their office on account of the expulsion.
The CRC is an independent commission with an autonomous status and the authority to adjudicate cases. The PM or APM cannot overturn or invalidate judgements rendered by the CRC but may exercise executive pardons to indemnify individuals from penalty or punishment imposed by CRC judgements. While the CRC is independent of the PM or APM veto, the Advisory Council may summon the CRC if there is need for summons.
Any official shall that was fined, suspended, expelled, or otherwise disciplined for violations of BRGIE Bylaws or Biafra Charter may appeal that fine, suspension, expulsion, or disciplinary action. The appellate body shall not consist of the same members of the CRC panel but will be comprised of a panel of BRGIE officials set up by BAC. The minimum number of individuals in the appellate body will be three, who have no conflict of interest. All disciplinary actions shall be in force and effective until it expires, or the appellate body modifies it.
Appeals must be handled pursuant to the following procedures:
The appellant must provide a written statement of appeal to the CRC and the appellate body within 14 days from receipt of the decision from the CRC. If the statement of appeal is not delivered within the 14-day period, the CRC decision is final.
The statement of appeal must describe why the CRC decision should be overruled or reversed and should include a copy of the decision being appealed.
The CRC shall have 14 days from receipt of the statement of appeal to provide a written response to the appellate body.
The appellate body may hold a hearing or may choose to consider the appeal on the written submissions of the parties.
The appellate body may establish other hearing rules so long as each party is treated substantially equal.
The appellate body may choose to affirm (uphold) the CRC decision, reverse the CRC decision partially or entirely, or remand (return) the case to the CRC.
The appellate body’s decision is final.
Vacancies in the BRGIE cabinet or any office will be filled by a vote of the officials following appropriate announcement of vacancy, interview and selection of the candidate(s). A majority vote of the current officials will be required for the election. Elected officials will serve until the end of the term or resignation or expulsion. The term of office for all members is limited to four years. The term begins January 1, 2024 (for current officials) or from the moment the individual is officially elected. The term of service can be repeated indefinitely after subsequent election of the official.
BRGIE officials will serve on a voluntary basis and will not receive compensation for their services except for expenses incurred following approval by relevant supervisors.
BRGIE property means all property owned or leased by BRGIE. These include both BRGIE-furnished property and contractor-acquired property. BRGIE property includes materials, computers, contracts, books, Biafra Charter, Biafra Declaration handbook, Biafra referendum documents, equipment, special tooling, special test equipment, and real property. Biafrans who refused to return BRGIE property or uses BRGIE property when not authorized by responsible BRGIE official shall be prosecuted as stated below.
All individuals in custody of BRGIE official documents (digital and/or hardcopy), including data repositories, such as Biafra database, or materials of any kind, must return (custody of) such to the office of the Prime Minister, Acting Prime Minister, or to the Chairman of CRC, whichever is more accessible to the individual. Failure to return such within 1 month of separation from BRGIE would be construed as a refusal to comply with established code of conduct and would warrant BRGIE to seek legal remedies. It is also expected that individuals in custody of confidential and/or classified documents must maintain the CONFIDENTIALITY of such documents at all times. Failure to maintain privacy and confidentiality of information would warrant BRGIE to seek legal remedies enforceable within the violator’s local jurisdiction.
Biafrans resident in countries with enforceable laws and party to international laws and regulations will be fully prosecuted.
Biafrans who have prior offenses as stated in section 4.9 are ineligible to hold office in BRGIE and will be prohibited from taking office in the United States of Biafra.
No BRGIE officer, agent, or any other person or company has the right or power to bind BRGIE by pledge, agreement, contract, or any other means without the express written permission of the Board of Directors, or PM, or APM.
With authorization from the Board of Directors, or PM, or APM, the PM, APM or any authorized official will sign all documents, including all financial documents that require the signature or endorsement of a corporate officer.
Upon authorization from the Board of Directors and the BRGIE cabinet to dissolve BRGIE as stipulated in 2.3Aiii and 2.3Av of the Biafra Charter and after all liabilities of BRGIE have been addressed, the remaining assets of BRGIE may be disposed of exclusively for the purposes of BRGIE as the Board of Directors shall determine.
A record of all meetings both audio/video and written minutes will be kept at the principal place of business or at an alternate location chosen by the Board of Directors or the responsible official. The minutes shall include the date, time, location, names of attendees, purpose, and acts of each meeting.
The Minister of Finance will be responsible for maintaining accurate records of all financial transactions. Standardized acceptable accounting procedures are to be followed so that the records may be used in the preparation of the BRGIE tax returns.
Corporate records and Bylaws are available for inspection by Directors or any official that requires such records for legitimate reasons. Before examination, the inspecting party must sign an affidavit stating that the information will be kept confidential.
The Board of Directors, PM, or APM will determine the fiscal year of BRGIE based on the prevailing guidelines of the Internal Revenue Service. BRGIE’s fiscal year is December.
In BRGIE, classified information will be protected and unauthorized disclosure is prohibited, especially because of the inherent effect on homeland (Biafra) defense and security as well as foreign relations. Unauthorized disclosure of such information may cause grave damage to the national security. Classified information must be handled according to MD law, BRGIE cabinet order, and BRGIE Bylaws. Classified information includes National Security Information and activities, data of Biafra citizens in the homeland, data of Biafrans in diaspora, recordings of private government meetings, and any other restricted data. The BRGIE PM or APM with the support of the cabinet confers upon the responsible officials the authority to originally classify information as SECRET or CONFIDENTIAL with further authorization to delegate this authority.
The term “classified information” means information which, at the time of a violation of this section, is, for reasons of homeland security or BRGIE official personal security.
The term “unauthorized disclosure” means disclosure of information to any person who, agency which, forum which, or social media which, is not authorized by BRGIE to receive the information.
The directors and BRGIE officials will be fully indemnified of the law by BRGIE. Any director or official that is found to be negligent or guilty of misconduct will forfeit their indemnification.
BRGIE shall have the power to purchase and maintain insurance for any official if necessary.
BRGIE Ministry (Cabinet) and liaison officials as of Monday, December 30, 2024, that formed the governing body of the Biafra government. The cabinet is the key decisionmaking body in BRGIE, responsible for its administration and the establishment of its policies. The ministry of foreign affairs also houses liaisons that are responsible for streamlining BRGIE communication, administering policies, and helping Biafrans all over the world access their government efficiently at the grassroots. Full details on BRGIE officials can be viewed at Below are some of the BRGIE ministries and officials as of December 30, 2024:
Prime Minister (PM, in detention) – H.E. Ekpa, Simon Njoku.
Chief of Staff (COS) to the Prime Minister (vacant) –
Acting Prime Minister (APM) – This position will be vacant and will only be filled if the PM is inactive. The CRC is the body responsible for filling this position, which may be filled with a vote to choose one of the ministers as stipulated in Section 2.17. Because the BRGIE PM is in detention, CRC conducted a search and an election that produced an acting Prime Minister.
Acting Prime Minister (APM) – Hon. Isaiah Anyaogu, A.K.A. Ogechukwu Nkere.
Chief of Staff (COS) to the APM – Hon. Amobi Eneh.
BRGIE Advisory Committee – List of members not public information.
Ministry of Agriculture – Minister: Hon. Eng. Nnani Innocent Ugochukwu.
Ministry of Arts, Tourism and Culture – Minister: Hon. Judith Osazuwa.
Ministry of Aviation – Minister: Hon. Chideraa B. Okeoma.
Ministry of Defense – Minister: Hon. E. Udeme.
Director, Military Intelligence (DMI) – Hon. Prof. Nwiboko Anthony Nwannebuike.
Ministry of Education – Minister: Hon. Dr. Ruby Nkechi Nnadi.
Ministry of Energy – Minister: Hon. Dr. Enyinna V. Nweke.
Director, Community Awareness and Empowerment – Hon. Bright O. Ossai.
Ministry of Finance – Minister: Hon. Isaiah Anyaogu, A.K.A. Ogechukwu Nkere.
Chair, United States of Biafra Reserve System – vacant
Director, Product Design and Marketing – Hon. Chukwuemeka Oragwu
Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Minister: Hon. Dr. Bryson C. Okeoma.
Director General, Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Hon. Dr. Joy Irobi.
Director, Biafra-Americas Bilateral and Regional Affairs – Hon. Shanquilla Akujobi.
African Continental Representative – Hon. James C. Adinnu.
Asia and Middle East Continental Representative – Hon. James Okeorji Okeosisi.
Australia Continental Representative – Hon. Ayochukwu Asiegbu.
Europe Continental Representative – Hon. Oby Ogbodo.
North and South America Continental Representative – Hon. Emelike U. Emelike.
Ministry of Health and Social Services – Minister: Hon. Dr. Sam Agubosim.
Director, Health Services Regulation and Compliance – Hon. Idedia Omo Benedicta.
Director, Biafra Centers for Disease Prevention and Control Hon. Prof. Chioma Okeoma.
Director, Pharmacy and Laboratory Science
Ministry of Housing and Urban Development – Minister: Vacant.
Ministry of Information and Communication – Minister: Hon. Aniebiet S. Archibong.
Deputy Minister of Information and Communication – Hon. Ralpheal Chiamaka Ajaere.
Director, Media Logistics – Hon. Paul Ugochukwu.
Secretary – Hon. Betty Igwebike F.
Social Media Accountability Commission (Appendix 2) – Chairperson: Hon. Bright Ossai.
Mans’ Inhumanity to Man Commission (Appendix 2) – CoChairpersons: Hon. C and Hon. E.
Ministry of Internal Affairs – Minister: Hon. Prof. Chioma Okeoma.
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs – Hon. Oby Ogbodo.
Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs Homeland - Hon. Nwali A.
Director, Immigration - Hon. Leticia Chinyere Akpara
Director, Postal Services – Hon. Okechukwu Owo
Director, Risk Management Commission – Hon. Anthony T. Onwughalu
Ministry of Justice – Minister: Vacant
Conflict Resolution Committee – Chairperson: Hon. Emma Maduabum.
Ministry of Religious Affairs – Minister: Hon. Dr. Comfort Mgbechi Ubani- Nsionu
Deputy Minister of Religious Affairs – Hon. Princess Odohunogie
Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation – Minister: Vacant
Director, Technology and Innovation, Webmaster – Hon. Azubuike Nwadei.
Ministry of Sports – Vacant
Ministry of Trade and Industry – Ministry: Hon. O’George Chima.
Director, Business Planning and Development – Hon. Chukwukelo Lawrence-Agba Israel
Ministry of Transportation, Infrastructure, and Logistics – Minister: Vacant.
Director, Materials and Logistics – Hon. Amobi Eneh
Secretary General – Hon. Chioma Okeoma.
Deputy Secretary General – Hon. Oby Ogbodo.
BRGIE Prime Minister and Acting Prime Minister Speech Writing Team
Chief Speechwriter: Hon. Dr. Bryson C. Okeoma.
Team member – Hon. Aniebiet S. Archibong
Team member – Hon. Oby Ogbodo
Team member – Hon. Chioma Okeoma
See the complete list of BRGIE officials in Appendix 3.
Henceforth, all positions in the Biafra Republic Government in Exile, including the position of Prime Minister, Acting Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense, are purely civilian in nature. The office of the Prime Minister and Minister of Defense will not serve concurrently as head of the Biafra Defense Forces or its subsidiaries, such as the Biafra Liberation Army. The BDF is a separate entity and organization from the BRGIE and will be recognized by the BRGIE as the only legitimate military force in Biafra land. In addition, the BRGIE Prime Minister and Minister of Defense are merely “policy-making” positions without any direct or indirect command and control over armed forces in Biafra, and no action, order, policy, or directive would be given by BRGIE which would be in violation of United States law, international law, and United Nations conventions or treaties. As such, the BRGIE and its office holders henceforth may only acknowledge as legitimate, orders such as the ‘sit-at-home’ orders issued by the Biafra Defense Forces (BDF) in Biafra land in response to or in protest against extreme acts of cruelty committed on Biafrans by Nigeria government or its agents but may not issue one. The official twitter handle of the BDF is as follows: @DhqrsBLF. Since BRGIE is not involved in the command and control of BDF, it cannot be held liable by the actions of the BDF, as BRGIE from the adoption of this document is a purely civilian and political entity.
The government recognizes and acknowledges the following officials as the leaders of the Biafra Defense Forces, the umbrella group which contains the Biafra Liberation Army, Biafra Navy, Biafra Air Force, and Biafra Resistance Fighters.
Leadership of the Biafra Defense Forces & Its Subsidiaries
Chairman of the joint Chiefs of staff – Hon. C.S. Nweke.
Chief of Defense Staff (Land and Air) – General Igwe Butuzor.
Chief of Naval Staff – General David
Press Secretary – Hon. Chokag
The BRGIE Advisory council is the body that advises the PM on government policies and businesses. The BRGIE Advisory council was formed on December 5, 2024. The Members are not public information.
It is exceptionally difficult to recruit qualified Biafrans to volunteer their services to BRGIE since these positions are not compensated. At this stage in the activities of BRGIE and given the rampant tendency to sabotage, it has proven to be challenging to attract individual with necessary skills/expertise, and commitment to perform critical work needed at this juncture in Biafra liberation. As a result, qualified individuals can hold more than one BRGIE position provided compensation is not received. None of the dual positions, whether appointive or elective shall be compensated. A request for dual positions MUST describe the particular abilities the individual brings to bear, the recruitment difficulty, such that another volunteer cannot do the work, the importance of the project or position in terms of the BRGIE mandates or strategic planning objectives that will not be accomplished without that individual.
Non-Biafrans with necessary skills and resources may volunteer to assist BRGIE when necessary.
Prior to serving BRGIE, all individuals must have a contract with BRGIE in place.
Mishandling BRGIE documents, information, or property is a serious crime that can carry severe penalties. Anyone who communicates, furnishes, transmits, or makes available to unauthorized person(s), forums, websites, social media platforms, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States of Biafra, any classified information (see sections 2.12, 7.5), BRGIE documents, information, or property (see section 4.9) are ineligible to hold office in BRGIE, are prohibited from taking office in the United States of Biafra, and may be fined and imprisoned, when Biafra is fully liberated, if BRGIE cannot seek immediate legal remedies for the offence at the time it was committed.
Biafrans resident in countries with enforceable laws and party to international laws and regulations who are found guilty of the actions stipulated in Article 12 will be fully prosecuted.
Biafrans who have prior offenses as stated in Article 12 are ineligible to hold office in BRGIE and will be prohibited from taking office in the United States of Biafra.
This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Bylaws duly adopted by a vote in a BRGIE meeting held on January 17, 2025.
Hon. Isaiah Anyaogu, A.K.A Ogechukwu Nkere
Director / Acting Prime Minister / Minister of Finance
Emmanuel Maduabum
Director / Chairman CRC
Ruby Nnadi
Director / Minister of Education
January 25, 2025 – List of BRGIE officials and offices updated; language on sit at home modified. The modifications were unanimously approved by BAC.
Definition of Saboteur: A saboteur is a person who engages in sabotage, which is the act of deliberately destroying, damaging, or obstructing something, especially for political or military advantage. Sabotage can occur in various contexts, including BRGIE workplaces, BRGIE political liberation process, and BRGIE military operations.
Definition of Criminal: A criminal is a person who has committed a crime, which is an act that violates the laws of a society and is punishable by the government.
Legal Implications of Calling Someone a “SABO” or “CRIMINAL” Without Proof: Accusing someone of being a SABO or a criminal without proof can have serious legal and personal consequences. Some potential legal implications:
1. Defamation: - Definition: Defamation involves making false statements that are capable of harming someone’s reputation. It can be categorized into: - Libel: Written defamation. - Slander: Spoken defamation.
2. Reputational Damage: - Personal and Professional Reputation: False accusations can severely damage the accused person's personal and professional reputation, leading to loss of job opportunities, relationships, and social standing.
3. Emotional Distress: - Psychological Impact: Being falsely accused of a crime can cause significant emotional distress, anxiety, and mental health issues for the accused person. Legal Consequences: If you call someone a saboteur or criminal without proof and it damages their reputation, they may have grounds to sue for defamation, reputational damage, emotional distress, or even pain and suffering. BRGIE Practices: - Avoid Making Accusations Without Proof: Ensure you have substantial evidence before calling anyone “SABO” or “CRIMINAL”. - Document Evidence: If you suspect sabotage, document any evidence and follow proper channels, such as reporting to BRGIE supervisors. - Maintain Professionalism: Address concerns through appropriate and professional means, avoiding public or unfounded accusations.
BRGIE Social Media Accountability Commission (SMAC):
BRGIE established SMAC to help protect well-meaning Biafrans and friends of Biafra from harmful effects of social media perpetuated by individuals whose aim is to sabotage the efforts of BRGIE, Biafrans, and friends, allies, or contractors working towards the restoration and freedom of Biafra.
In this role, SMAC is responsible for chronicling (source, content, date) misleading social media propaganda and malicious false narratives being spewed out on social media by Biafra saboteurs with intent to impugn the integrity of Biafrans or intended to intimidate or silence Biafrans and friends of Biafra from agitating for Biafra liberation, freedom, and independence or prevent Biafrans from standing up for or upholding the truth or rule of law, such as, following the letters of the Biafra Charter. To this effect, Biafrans must know that social media users who are Biafrans or enemies of Biafra must be held accountable and responsible for their actions on social media. It is important that Biafrans understand that misleading social media propaganda and malicious false narratives being spewed out on social media may have harmful effects on others. As such, the saboteurs shall face severe consequences as determined by BRGIE, even if they think they are entitled to their own opinions or claim to have acted in ignorance.
SMAC will document these atrocities and will provide a monthly/quarterly report that must include all the evidence gathered to the Minister of information who will in turn report to the BRGIE Advisory committee for appropriate actions.
In carrying out this assignment, SMAC SHALL:
Comb the full range of all social media platforms for materials/information to document the misinformations, disinformations, activities or words that are viewed as character assassinations, etc. from Biafrans against other Biafrans serving BRGIE.
BRGIE will organize such information and present it in a way that such materials/information will be used to educate Biafrans on the impact of social media misinformations, disinformations, character assassinations and their implications or consequences for the perpetrators.
BRGIE Man’s’ Inhumanity to Man Commission (MIMC):
The BRGIE MIMC is established to chronicle the atrocities (perpetrators, acts committed, place, date, number of victims) of Nigeria government and political leaders/elites or their agents on Biafrans. The documentation of these atrocities by MIMC ensures accountability and that the memory of these atrocities remains alive in the hearts of Biafrans. The historical value of proper documentation cannot be overemphasized but, in the minimum, accurate and proper documentation of our journey to freedom and the sacrifices our people made is invaluable.
MIMC will document these atrocities and will provide a monthly/quarterly report that must include all the evidence gathered to the Minister of information who will in turn report to the BRGIE Advisory committee for appropriate actions.
In carrying out this assignment, MIMC SHALL:
Consider how BRGIE will leverage the documented atrocities to campaign for Biafra freedom.
Consider how the report of the atrocities will be preserved to provide historical significance for Biafra in the future when the pioneers of Biafra freedom are no longer around, and the atrocities feel distant and remote because of the passage of time.